Publikationen vor 2010


*Horn J, *Wang X, Reichardt P, Stradal TE, Warnecke N, Simeoni L, Gunzer M, Yablonski D, Schraven B, Kliche S.
Src homology 2-domain containing leukocyte-specific phosphoprotein of 76 kDa Is mandatory for TCR-mediated inside-out signaling, but dispensable for CXCR4-mediated LFA-1 activation, adhesion, and migration of T cells.

J Immunol. 2009 Nov 1;183(9):5756-67. (*Horn and Wang epually contributed to the publication.)

Linnemann C, Schildberg FA, Schurich A, Diehl L, Hegenbarth SI, Endl E, Lacher S, Müller CE, Frey J, Simeoni L, Schraven B, Stabenow D, Knolle PA.
Adenosine regulates CD8 T-cell priming by inhibition of membrane-proximal T-cell receptor signalling.
Immunology. 2009 Sep;128(1 Suppl):e728-37.


Koelsch U, Schraven B, Simeoni L.
SIT and TRIM determine T cell fate in the thymus.
J Immunol. 2008 Nov 1;181(9):5930-9.

Posevitz V, Arndt B, Krieger T, Warnecke N, Schraven B, Simeoni L.
Regulation of T Cell Homeostasis by the Transmembrane Adaptor Protein SIT.
J Immunol. 2008 Feb 1;180(3):1634-42.

Simeoni L, Lindquist JA, Smida M, Witte V, Arndt B, Schraven B.
Control of lymphocyte development and activation by negative regulatory transmembrane adapter proteins.
Immunol Rev. 2008 Aug;224(1):215-28.

Thielitz A, Vetter RW, Schultze B, Wrenger S, Simeoni L, Ansorge S, Neubert K, Faust J, Lindenlaub P, Gollnick HP, Reinhold D.
Inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV-like activity mediate antifibrotic effects in normal and keloid-derived skin fibroblasts.
J Invest Dermatol. 2008 Apr;128(4):855-66.

Wang X, Simeoni L, Lindquist JA, Saez-Rodriguez J, Ambach A, Gilles ED, Kliche S, Schraven B.
Dynamics of Proximal Signaling Events after TCR/CD8-Mediated Induction of Proliferation or Apoptosis in Mature CD8+ T Cells.
J Immunol. 2008 May 15;180(10):6703-12.


Gregoire C, Simova S, Wang Y, Sansoni A, Richelme S, Schmidt-Giese A, Simeoni L, Angelisova P, Reinhold D, Schraven B, Horejsi V, Malissen B, Malissen M.
Deletion of the LIME adaptor protein minimally affects T and B cell development and function.
Eur J Immunol. 2007 Nov;37(11):3259-69.

Saez-Rodriguez J, Simeoni L, Lindquist JA, Hemenway R, Bommhardt U, Arndt B, Haus UU, Weismantel R, Gilles ED, Klamt S, Schraven B.
A Logical Model Provides Insights into T Cell Receptor Signaling.
PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Aug 24;3(8):e163.


Klamt S, Saez-Rodriguez J, Lindquist JA, Simeoni L, Gilles ED.
A methodology for the structural and functional analysis of signaling and regulatory networks.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2006 Feb 7;7:56.

Kölsch U, Arndt B, Reinhold D, Lindquist JA, Jüling N, Kliche S, Pfeffer K, Bruyns E, Schraven B, Simeoni L.
Normal T cell development and immune functions in TRIM-deficient mice.
Mol Cell Biol. 2006 May;26(9):3639-48.


Simeoni L, Posevitz V, Kölsch U, Meinert I, Bruyns E, Pfeffer K, Reinhold D, Schraven B.
The transmembrane adapter protein SIT regulates thymic development and peripheral T cell functions.
Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Sep;25(17):7557-68.

Simeoni L, Smida M, Posevitz V, Schraven B, Lindquist JA.
Right time, right place: the organization of membrane proximal signaling.
Semin Immunol. 2005;17(1):35-49.

Togni M, Swanson KD, Reimann S, Kliche S, Pearce AC, Simeoni L, Reinhold D, Wienands J, Neel BG, Schraven B, Gerber A.
Regulation of in vitro and in vivo immune functions by the cytosolic adaptor protein SKAP-HOM.
Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Sep;25(18):8052-63.


Simeoni L, Kliche S, Lindquist J, Schraven B.
Adaptors and linkers in T and B cells.
Curr Opin Immunol. 2004 Jun;16(3):304-13.

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